Welcome to JSoftgames.com
Welcome to the JSoftGames.com Live Development Blog!
The Cool Games are at the Arcade!
Current Development: Rodent Rush
All games were safely grown inside of a special digital incubator
A hobbyist game developer's scrapbook.
Think you can beat the all time worldwide highscores!
Run around and eat cheese, mice love cheese
No Trees were harmed in the making of this website.
Working on RodentRush Again.
I have a small break in-between the spring semester and summer classes, so I've started working on RodentRush Again.
I'm moving the code over from Vitailze to Flash, so not only will it work on PC's but it'll also work on any device with Flash 10 support, meaning Macs and the like.

For all of you off for the summer enjoy your vacation!

I'm moving the code over from Vitailze to Flash, so not only will it work on PC's but it'll also work on any device with Flash 10 support, meaning Macs and the like.

For all of you off for the summer enjoy your vacation!

Posted on 10 May 2010 by JacobB
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Page Last Updated on: December 25 2018 17:39:05.